Besides the steady production of bells the Barigozzi foundry committed also to the high quality artistic production, very prestigious regardless of being the secondary activity. In the beginning, artistic activities of Barigozzi foundry benefited from a close collaboration with sculptor Francesco Barzaghi together with whom Barigozzis, at their workshop on Thaon Di Revel, casted the monuments of Alessandro Manzoni and Luciano Manara, displaced respectively in San Fedele square and in Public Garden in Milan. In 1896 the foundry concluded an outstanding technical complexity casting, the equestrian statue for the monument of Vittorio Emanuele II for the Duomo square in Milan, a creation of sculptor Ercole Rosa. In next decades the artistic castings continued with the creation of a number of artworks, designed for both, Italy and abroad, ordered by famous sculptors of the time, among whom Enrico Butti, Lodovico Pogliaghi, Ettore Ximenes, Vincenzo Vela e Francesco Penna. The complex and articulated history of Barigozzi Bros. Foundry ended in 1975, the year when the company ceased the activity.
Santa Maria alla Fontana
The Napoleon age
The Barigozzi family
Bells foundry
Artistic castings
